In my last article, I wrote about interleaved and planar memory layouts, and when to use each. Both layouts can contain the exact same information using the exact same amount of memory. One consideration when choosing whether to store data in interleaved or planar layout is the types of operations that will be performed on the data. Due to the principle of locality, significant performance gains can sometimes be obtained by choosing one over the other – pixel-level operations may be faster in interleaved layout, while channel-level operations may be faster in planar layout.

To exemplify this, I published unsophisticated separable 2D convolution algorithms (for an overview of separable convolution, check out this video). The code includes a performance-testing application that performs 2D separable convolutions over the same data using both interleaved and planar memory layouts, which demonstrates that the memory layout can have a significant impact on different algorithms that perform the exact same image processing computations.


I built and ran the performance testing application on my machine, which is an older Intel NUC with an Intel i5-4250U, 8GB of RAM, and 148GB SSD. At the time of running the test, Windows 10 Pro Version 1909, Build 18363.1139 was installed.

The build directory was configured to build with Visual Studio 2019 (cl version 19.27.29111) using the command below:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\CMake\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=TRUE -H<src dir> -B<build dir> -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -T host=x64 -A x64

A release configuration of the application was built with the command below:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\CMake\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" --build <build dir> --config Release --target ALL_BUILD -- /maxcpucount:6

To obtain runtimes for the different algorithms, I closed all open applications except VS Code, then ran the following command in the VS Code Terminal window:

interleaved_vs_planar.exe 2000 3000 4 3

This command creates a 2000 x 3000 x 4 (H x W x D) float matrix filled with random values in [0, 1]. It then performs 3 iterations of each test.


The application performs 5 tests, which are explained in the and summarized below.

  1. interleaved3: Interpret the data as interleaved, and perform per-channel 2D separable blur using a kernel size of 3
  2. planar3: Interpret the data as planar, and perform per-channel 2D separable blur using a kernel size of 3
  3. interleaved7: Interpret the data as interleaved, and perform per-channel 2D separable blur using a kernel size of 7
  4. planar7: Interpret the data as planar, and perform per-channel 2D separable blur using a kernel size of 7
  5. planar7withTranspose: Interpret the data as planar, and perform per-channel 2D separable blur using a kernel size of 7. However, rather than performing horizontal and vertical convolution, perform horizontal convolution, transpose, horizontal convolution again, and transpose again.

In these experiments, the interleaved tests are performed on an interleaved layout of the data, while the planar tests are performed on a planar layout of the same data. In other words, the data at a given (column, row, channel) tuple is the same whether the data is in interleaved or planar layout. For clarity, it’s important to note that the particular data values in these floating point computations should not make a significant difference in the runtime, especially because all the input and output data should be in the range of [0.0, 1.0]. However, this setup allows the results of the computations to be compared directly, so that the reviewers can be confident that the same computations are occurring.

Every iteration of a test is performed before the next test is run. Statistics for the iteration with minimal total runtime are saved for output.


The results obtained on the test machine are shown below, with time values recorded in seconds:


For ease of viewing, the data has been formatted as a table below:

interleaved3 0.07090400.911467 0.982371
planar3 0.045454300.653508 0.698962
interleaved7 0.12952600.889743 1.01927
planar7 0.099653700.645452 0.745106
planar7withTranspose 0.0995849 0.519957 0.104595 0.724137

In the first 4 tests, there is no transpose, so the transpose time is 0 for those tests; only the planar7withTranspose test includes a transpose operation so it is the only test with a non-zero transpose time.


There are clear trends in the data. Some were expected, while others were not expected.

Interleaved vs planar

The planar3 total time is ~71% of the interleaved3 total time. The planar7 total time is 73% of the interleaved7 total time. The vast majority of the runtime for any of these convolutions occurs in the vertical convolution, which is another demonstration of the principle of locality.

Without getting too deep into the details of memory retrieval and caching, the basic idea is that when the program requests a single float (4 bytes) from memory, the processor actually retrieves those bytes as well as quite a few more adjacent bytes (up to 60 on modern processors). This adjacent data is stored in the fastest part of the processor’s cache and is potentially orders of magnitude faster to access than the data in memory.

Thus, it’s likely that in the horizontal planar convolution, requesting the data for the first element in the matrix causes the processor to retrieve all the matrix data required for ~16 operations. After the first operation, the next ~15 incur a fraction of the memory access cost. The cycle repeats itself when the next element of matrix data that’s not in the cache is requested.

There is a similar, but smaller effect in the horizontal interleaved convolution. The implementation iterates completely over the data in a channel before moving to the next channel. This means in practice that the horizontal convolution data is essentially operating over moderately sparse data. In this case, since the depth is 4, requesting data for the first element in the matrix causes the processor to store all the matrix data for ~4 operations in its fastest cache.

In contrast to this, the vertical convolutions in each layout essentially need to access data in memory, rather than cache, for probably every operation. In a sense, in these implementations, the vertical convolution almost certainly never gets data for the next operation “for free.”

Kernel size, 3 vs. 7

When comparing the horizontal convolutions, ie interleaved3 vs. interleaved7 or planar3 vs. planar7, there is an expected significant increase in runtime. Interleaved7 horizontal runtime is ~182% of interleaved3 horizontal runtime, while planar7 horizontal runtime is ~219% of planar3 horizontal runtime. The likely explanation for this significant increase is because there are simply more computations occurring – for a kernel of size 7, each element in the convolution is a function of 7 elements, while a kernel of size 3 results in a function of 3 elements. The operation on 7 elements must therefore compute 7 multiplications and 6 additions (13 total operations), while the operation on 3 elements must compute 3 multiplications and 2 additions (5 total operations). Therefore under ideal conditions we would expect the runtime of the size 7 kernel to be 260% of the runtime of the size 3 kernel. We can conclude that the conditions in these computations are not ideal, likely due to delays retrieving the required data from memory.

However, when comparing vertical convolutions, there is a very unexpected decrease in runtime. The difference is small, but consistent between interleaved3 and interleaved7 as well as planar3 and planar7. In either case, the number of operations in the size 7 kernel computation is still 260% of the computations in the size 3 kernel computation: 13 operations compared to 5. Therefore these results indicate that the size 7 routines somehow performed far more operations slightly faster than the size 3 routines. This is despite the fact that the routines are template functions, meaning that the C++ code for the size 3 & size 7 routines was the same!

No investigation was performed to understand the cause of this unexpected result.


After noticing that vertical convolution dominated the runtime of the separable convolution, this test was conducted to see if a transpose + horizontal convolution + transpose could be faster than a single vertical convolution. In these results, a transpose + horizontal convolution + transpose takes ~97% of the time of a single vertical convolution. Performing the operation this way was clearly faster, though the difference is marginal for this test.


These convolution implementations are only intended to demonstrate that choosing interleaved or planar can have a significant effect on runtime, depending on the algorithm that is running. They are not sophisticated or optimized implementations of convolutions, and are not intended to show minimal convolution runtime.

These results imply that planar layout is faster than interleaved layout for convolution. However, it’s more accurate to say that planar layout can be faster than interleaved for convolution. It’s certainly possible to write optimized implementations of convolution for interleaved layout by changing the order of operations to exploit memory already in the cache. It’s also possible to obtain very significant reductions in vertical convolution runtime by changing the order of operations. However, writing these sophisticated or optimized routines can be time consuming and error prone, and could be highly implementation or even processor specific. On the other hand, it’s likely that these optimizations would yield far better runtime improvements than just translating between interleaved and planar layout.

Another method of improving convolution performance would be to use an existing optimized implementation, such as the free Intel IPP. Intel IPP provides processor-specific optimized implementations of various convolutions. Since they are free to obtain and are very permissive in their licensing, there’s almost no reason not to use them. The performance improvement obtained by using an implementation like this is almost guaranteed to dwarf any improvement gained by translating from interleaved to planar or vice-versa.

In defense of this experiment, it’s clear that the relatively simple operation of translating between interleaved and planar layout can produce significant runtime reduction. This is an important conclusion, because not every image processing algorithm has a free, optimized implementation readily available, and development schedules do not always allow developers to write sophisticated implementations of image processing algorithms. Knowing that bottleneck algorithms are channel-level or pixel-level operations could allow a developer to gain significant runtime improvement for very minimal investment in development and testing.

The unexpected result in the vertical convolution, where the runtime decreased between the size 3 and size 7 kernel, would warrant further investigation in a product environment. To identify the cause of this unexpected result, some reasonable steps might include:

  1. a code review
  2. reproduction by another team member
  3. additional experiments using different horizontal size, vertical size, depth, and number of iterations
  4. investigation into the assembly code that the compiler produced

The planar7withTranspose test could be interesting for a few reasons. First, it may be possible to perform multiple vertical operations in the transposed matrix. This would amortize the cost of the two transposes and likely result in a significant overall runtime reduction. Second, as with all implementations in this experiment, the transpose operation is not optimized. It may be simpler to write an optimized transpose, rather than an optimized vertical convolution. Third, using this technique would allow developers to maintain a single 1D convolution implementation. This may be ideal in some conditions, for example if the convolution is expected to perform operations on the edge pixels rather than just zero them out. However, performance of the “transpose-horizontal convolution-transpose” algorithm for vertical convolution should be tested using different values for horizontal and vertical size – it’s possible that different image aspect ratios could produce different performance results.

None of the tests included the time to translate from interleaved to planar layout, or vice-versa. It’s possible that total runtime of translating, operating, and translating back would be similar or even greater than the runtime of just performing the operation on the data using a suboptimal layout. However, when multiple operations that would be optimized in the same layout are being performed in series (ie blur followed by derivative), the runtime reduction in the operations due to optimal layout may be much greater than the runtime increase due to the layout translations.


Storing image data in interleaved vs. planar layout can have a significant effect on performance. Converting between the two layouts is a simple operation that may lead to large runtime reductions, especially when multiple operations can be performed in sequence using the same optimal layout.

Feel free to clone the github repo and perform your own experiments! If you want to share those results with me, I can be contacted at

Alright, so you’ve got your rasterized image, and now you want to save it to a file. You want a single file to contain all the data necessary for viewing this image, so that all a person needs is the single image file and an image viewer to look at your image. How do you save the data?


Grayscale images are a bit simpler than color images so we’ll start there.

Number of bytes to store the image

For the moment, let’s consider only the number of bytes that would be required for the pixels in a grayscale image, without thinking about the storage layout or the metadata. Recall that typically for a grayscale image, there’s one value for each pixel. Commonly, an 8 bit value (= 1 byte) is used for a value, allowing the pixel intensity value to range between 0 and 255. A rectangular image that’s W pixels wide and H pixels in height would have WxH total pixels. For example, if your image is 100 px wide & 200 px tall, there would be 100 x 200 = 20,000 pixels total. If each pixel can be represented by 1 byte, storing this image uncompressed would require 20,000 bytes.


So you have your 20,000 bytes representing an image that’s 100px wide x 200px high image. Or was that 200px wide x 100px tall? Or 50px wide and 400px tall? How would an image viewer know how to display the 20,000 image bytes using only the image file?

The image file must contain data about the image, which is called metadata. The metadata typically contains information such as width, height, the component colors (aka channels or separations), and much more. This metadata is stored in the image file in a section that’s separate from the image data. Different containers such as JPG, GIF, TIFF, or PNG each have different ways of storing the metadata, and each container can store different metadata. When an image viewer detects a container, it must know where and how the metadata is stored in that container, and how to read the required metadata.

Image metadata is topic worthy of a series of articles. For an idea of the scope of the topic, the TIFF tags reference (metadata in TIFF can be stored as tags) describes hundreds of well-defined tags which describe everything from the basics like width and height all the way to niche information like the host computer used during image creation. And that is only for a single image container, TIFF!

For this article, it’s enough to know that there’s metadata in the image file that describes the image data.

Which byte represents a particular pixel?

So we’ve got our 20,000 bytes of data, and we know how wide and tall the image is. But which of the 20,000 bytes represents the top left pixel? In general, which byte represents the pixel at position (x, y)?

The answer to that question lies in the storage order of the pixels. Let’s assume that the pixels are stored in row-major order – in other words, all the pixels of a row N are stored before all the elements of row N + 1. Below is an example 2×2 image containing 4 pixels. They are labeled pixel(0,0) through pixel(1,1).


A file saved in row-major storage would contain the pixels in the order below. Note that all the elements of the 1st row appear before all the elements of the 2nd row:


Pixels may also be stored in column-major order, but this is very unusual in the commonly used image layouts and I won’t describe that in this article.

So if we get the image’s height and width from metadata, and we assume that it’s in row-major order with the first data value holding the top left pixel, we can re-assemble this simple image using only the image file.

Color RGB images

Color images differ from grayscale images by containing effectively one image per color. Common color schemes are RGB (ideal for screens) or CMYK (ideal for print). We’ll now consider how to store RGB images.

Number of bytes to store an RGB image

Let’s consider only the number of bytes that would be required for the pixels in an RGB image, without thinking about the storage layout or the metadata.

A color pixel can be represented using a value for each of the component colors. In an RGB pixel, there is one value for each of the red, green, and blue colors. Commonly, 8 bit (=1 byte) values are used for each of the 3 colors. Thus, 3 bytes are used for each RGB color pixel.

A rectangular image that’s W pixels wide and H pixels in height would have WxH total pixels. For example, if your image is 100 px wide & 200 px tall, there would be 100 x 200 = 20,000 pixels total. Thus, for any given image dimensions, the number of pixels is the same regardless of whether the color scheme is grayscale, RGB, or some other color scheme like CMYK. However, while each pixel in a grayscale image commonly requires 1 byte, each pixel in an RGB image commonly requires 3 bytes. Therefore, storing this image uncompressed would require 3 * 100 * 200 = 60,000 bytes.

Which bytes represent a particular pixel?

In contrast to grayscale images where 1 byte represents each pixel value, an RGB pixel commonly requires 3 bytes. Given this requirements, which bytes in an image file’s image data represent a given pixel?

Chances are that you’ve already thought of at least one of the two common methods:

  1. Interleaved: Store all the bytes for pixel N before storing the bytes for pixel N + 1
  2. Planar: Store all the bytes for color C before storing the bytes for color C + 1


In the interleaved storage layout, the bytes for a pixel are contiguous. In the 2×2 image below, each pixel has RGB components.


This data would be stored in interleaved, row-major layout like in the diagram below. The top row indicates the 0-based index of each byte. For compactness, the RGB components of pixel(x, y) are shown as xy.R, xy.G, or xy.B, respectively.


As you can see, the RGB components for pixel(0, 0) are contiguous. Furthermore, each pixel is still stored in row-major order. This is called interleaved because the data for the colors are mixed in a repeating pattern.

A notable property for this layout is that the bytes for the colors in the pixel at (x, y) can be found using simple formulas. Given that

* y = 0-based row index
* x = 0-based column index
* w = image width

We can find the red, green, and blue byte positions using the formulas below.

red   byte position for pixel(x, y) = y * w * 3 + x * 3 + 0
green byte position for pixel(x, y) = y * w * 3 + x * 3 + 1
blue byte position for pixel(x, y) = y * w * 3 + x * 3 + 2


In the planar storage layout, the bytes for a color, rather than a pixel, are contiguous. For an example we can look at our usual 2×2 image, repeated below.


This data would be stored in planar, row-major layout like in the diagram below. The top row indicates the 0-based index of each byte. For compactness, the RGB components of pixel(x, y) are shown as xy.R, xy.G, or xy.B, respectively.


As you can see, all the red bytes are stored contiguously in the first 4 elements of the array, all the green bytes are stored contiguously in the next 4 elements, and all the blue bytes are stored contiguously in the last 4 elements. Finally, within each color, the bytes are stored in row-major order.

This layout is called planar because each color’s data is stored contiguously, like a planes of color data that can stacked to create the final image.

The image below shows the same data as above, with the addition of the top row, which indicates the 0-based index of each byte.

Like the interleaved layout, a notable property for this layout is that the bytes for the colors in the pixel at (x, y) can be found using simple formulas. Given that

* y = 0-based row index
* x = 0-based column index
* w = image width

We can find the red, green, and blue byte positions using the formulas below.

red   byte position for pixel(x, y) = 0 * w * h + y * w + x
green byte position for pixel(x, y) = 1 * w * h + y * w + x 
blue  byte position for pixel(x, y) = 2 * w * h + y * w + x 

When to use it: interleaved vs planar

Modern computers are generally designed to optimize for the common behavior that programs tend to access memory with addresses that are close together. This is known as the principle of locality.

This is relevant when deciding what memory layout to use for images. The different layouts store the same data. In interleaved, the bytes for a pixel are located close to each other in memory, while in planar, the bytes for a color are located close to each other. Therefore, it’s easy to conclude that if the program needs to do a lot of processing for each pixel, interleaved is probably going to be faster. If a program needs to do a lot of processing per color channel, planar is probably going to be faster.

Performance in an application’s important algorithms is typically the main reason to choose planar vs. interleaved layout.

Some examples of pixel-level processing tasks include on-screen display or color conversions.

Some examples of color channel-level processing tasks include blurring, sharpening, and simple edge detection.

There are also operations that are more or less layout-independent. These types of operations process per sample (an element of a pixel) rather than per-pixel or per-channel region. Some examples of this kind of processing include noise addition, quantization, and clamping (clipping).

Sometimes dramatic runtime improvements can be obtained by performing an up-front conversion from one layout to the other. Stay tuned for concrete examples of this!


Interleaved and planar layouts are two different ways of organizing the same data. When the data is packed with no padding, they consume the same amount of memory. Regardless of the layout, there are simple formulas that can be used to obtain the samples associated with a pixel.

There may be significant performance advantages to using interleaved or planar layout, due to the principle of locality. When performing pixel-level operations such as color conversion, interleaved layout may produce a lower runtime. When performing channel-level operations such as blurring, planar layout may produce a lower runtime.

Let’s discuss the Abstract Factory pattern to continue our tour of design patterns in C++ .  This is an interesting technique for maintaining coherence between objects, while allowing easy switching or swapping of object sets.  This can be useful for allowing an application to use multiple UI toolkits (Apple vs. Windows), allowing different enemies with different capabilities in a game, using different submodels in a complicated simulation, and much more.

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